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Top 5 tips on efficient cooperation with an IT recruitment agency

If you apply to a tech recruitment agency to find an IT talent, select IT personnel and hire software developers, it is important to take into account the specifics of collaboration in order to build processes as efficiently as possible. How to do it better and what to pay attention to? We tell you in our new article.

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Collaborate with a close-minded performer

There are quite a lot of IT recruiting agencies, so do not rush to contact the first one you find — as a rule, work on job openings takes place in close tandem of the agency's recruiters and the inhouse of the company's recruiting department, so it is important to understand how comfortable the partnership will be for both sides.

A great way to determine how close you and a potential contractor are in spirit is to get to know each other better on a call: you will be able to tell more about your company and open positions, and representatives of the tech recruitment agency will guide you on the specifics of their work. It is important to remember here that not only the customer chooses an IT recruitment agency, but it, for its part, also reserves the right to refuse cooperation if for some reason it understands that the partnership will not be productive. For example, we adhere to this principle in our work: it is important for us to work only with companies that are close in spirit, because this directly affects the effectiveness — so, thanks to this approach, we fill 100% of the job openings that we take on. Don't be in a hurry to get upset if something didn't work out when you got acquainted with the agency: you and your perfect agency will definitely meet!

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Formulate the task and features of each job opening

At the meeting, which usually takes place at the very beginning of cooperation, the IT recruitment agency requests the most detailed information about each position to be worked on together with you: this is necessary to compile a correct candidate profile, build a search strategy and motivation.

All your wishes, the moments that are crucial for you and the nuances that should be taken into account, it makes sense to designate it at this stage so that further cooperation will be the most productive and effective. What can and should be designated, except for the profile needed and basic information about the employer?

  • Сandidate's experience
    A grade, the necessary stack of technologies, additional knowledge of any tools
  • Locations
    If you have a specific geography of searches
  • Conditions that a specific position offers
  • Soft skills
  • Stages of selection for this position
    For example, primary and technical interviews, presence/absence of test assignment, final interview, etc.
  • Other features that are important
    For example, it may be that the company has a stop list (it is very important to send it to the agency in a timely manner)
Some companies connect to such meetings not only inhouse recruiters who also work for job openings, but also hiring managers in order to maximally immerse the IT recruitment agency in the processes and features of a specific profile.

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Record the details of the IT recruitment cooperation

As a rule, before starting a joint work, a tech recruitment agency will send you a contract that will reflect the main points: the percentage, the guarantee of replacement of the candidate and its validity period, and other points important for the work. If there are any nuances on your part that you would like to include in the contract, it is important to do this at this stage.

Here it will be appropriate to agree on the specifics of some recruiting procedures — for example, in which cases, according to the results of the namecheck, the candidate is assigned to you, and in which cases — to the agency. This will save both sides time in the future and will allow them to plan all processes as efficiently as possible, taking into account the agreements.

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Consider the specifics of IT recruiting

Reputation decides, if not everything, then a lot: almost none of the candidates will be ready to cooperate with an employer about whom there are a lot of bad reviews. Therefore, never forget about ethical recruiting, offer job conditions relevant to the market, optimize the hiring processes (for example, give up a long test assignment or shorten the selection stages), provide the agency with feedback on each candidate in a timely manner and do not delay the approval of the next stage.

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Remember the principle of partnership

You and the IT recruitment agency have a common goal — to find an IT specialist for your team. To achieve the desired result, it is important to work together, discuss controversial issues in a timely manner, conduct transparent communication, be flexible and look for ways out of difficult situations together.

If you want to learn more about how an IT recruitment agency in general organizes the search for developers and the selection of IT personnel, read our past articles: we talked in detail about the main stages of cooperation with the recruitment agency in the field of IT, the tools that recruiters use in their work, as well as the specifics of hiring IT personnel.

If you are at a loss where to start or a specialist is urgently needed, send us an application for the selection of mobile developers — our recruiters will select IT personnel, offer talented and highly qualified talents from our database, and fill even a complex job opening within two weeks.
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