Relocation of
IT specialists

Helping you decide on relocation packages, choose the right country to open a new office, understand how you can relocate your employees

About service

With the expansion of many companies to new countries and the need for skilled IT talent, relocation can be a daunting task.

That's where we come in.

Lucky Hunter offers a comprehensive service for IT specialists’ relocation, making the process easier for both the employee and the company.
Helping you decide on relocation packages
Choosing the right country to open a new office
Understanding how to relocate your employees
Offering a comprehensive relocation service

How to relocate an employee to another country

The service will
be useful to you in case

You need advice on the relocation of employees

We will help you look through all the details and choose the optimal solution based on the specifics of your particular business, tasks and key objectives.
You open new offices abroad, where you should relocate IT specialists

Or you just need to expand your team in already existing foreign departments.
You have urgent job openings with relocation

Which need to be filled as soon as possible.Our prices are fixed for some standard services.
You need advice on the relocation of employees

We will help you look through all the details and choose the optimal solution based on the specifics of your particular business, tasks and key objectives.
You open new offices abroad, where you should relocate IT specialists

Or you just need to expand your team in already existing foreign departments.
You have urgent job openings with relocation

Which need to be filled as soon as possible.Our prices are fixed for some standard services.

Why сhoose Lucky Hunter for your needs?

Our team of experts has 10+ years of experience in the tech industry and understands the challenges of relocating IT specialists.

Experienced team with a successful track record

We are dedicated to helping companies find the best talent for their teams, and provide a comprehensive relocation service that takes into account all the key details and requirements

Professional and personalized service

We work with a wide range of clients, from young startups to large tech companies, and have a proven track record of success. For startups, we offer maximum discounts!

Cost-effective and flexible pricing options

With us, you can rest assured that you are in good hands, and that we will help you navigate the complex process of relocating IT specialists.

A focus on finding the right fit for your company's needs and goals

Choose us for fast and efficient talent acquisition and a seamless relocation experience.

Select your solution

Lucky Case:
Relocation of IT specialists

A Senior Golang Developer from South Korea for a British startup